Memorial Page


west is best

This page is dedicated to Cavaliers and especially those who have decided to join this association and help make a difference. Let's Go Cavaliers. West is the Best..

Contact the offices:

Pres. Kay Wilfong  =                  [email protected]                        304-438-7120

Vice President: Denny Barker = [email protected]

(304) 646-5216

Treasurer: Barbara Bragg = [email protected]

Secretary Ronnie George  = [email protected]           304-222-2377

Welcome To the official Greenbrier West Membership Page.

This is a list of all those students, faculty, and staff who have expressed a desire to become a part of our association. Membership to the Association is free. We want everyone to feel welcome to participate and get involved in this your school association. We are proud to be Cavaliers and we want to continue that tradition. Because West is Best! To Join up just send your name, year in attendance, and contact information to one of the officers, so that we can keep you informed of upcoming events. Also, you can send email to:

[email protected]

Membership is free.

Right now our main objective is to provide scholarships for graduating Cavaliers who want to continue their education or vocational training.


� �

Membership as of

March -2014

Alan Martin "1969"
Allen Redden "1988"
Amanda Jones "2011"
Amber Washelchalk Cobb '1986'
Ann M Bennett "Staff"
Annette Hankins "1982"
Anthony Dufault "1986"
Arlene Reed Kotzur "1971"
Barbara Ferrell Alexander "1982"
Barbara George Bragg "1969"
Barbara White Ghee "1970" new
Becky George Jones "1977"
Bill Wallace "1974"
Bobby Bragg "1969"
Bobby Jones "1977"
Bonnie Rogers "1982"
Bonnie Rogers Wright "1982"
Brandy Gwinn Carnell "1994"
Brent McMillion "1982"
Brian & Cheryl May Bland "1977"
Candida Brown "2005"
Carmen Rose Shrewsbury "1982"
Carolyn Osborne Blagg "1972"
Charissa Godbey "1979"
Charissa Godbey Persinger "1979"
Charles & Marilyn Raymont "1969"
Charles & Shannon Crane '1986'
Charlotte Melton "1971"
Cheryl & Charles Traylor '1986'
Christopher Crookshanks "1995"
Claudette (Stoneburner) O'dell "1975"
CP Burdette "1969"
Daniel Barker "1972"
Danny & Karen Ketterman "1971"
Darlene F Crane "1970"
Darren Smith "1986"
Dave Buster "1971"
David & Merri Hurn '1986'
David Eggleston "1973"
David Grimmett "1974"

Debi Moody Brackman "1977"

Deborah Hicks Hubright "1982"
Dennis D Gwinn "1970"
Denver L Barker, Jr "1971"
Derenda Callaway "1988"
Diana Mace Sears "1972"
Donna Crookshanks Richmond "1977"
Dorcus Prather Teubert "1979"
Doris Vandall
Dwight Nicely "1972"
Edith Kotzur "1971"
Ellen Reed & Jeff Brewster
Eric Franklin "1992"
Frank Bowyer "1970"
Gary Bennett "1969"
Gary Boone "1990"
Gary Wilfong "1970"
George Brooks II "1976"
Gregory & Twylia Dorsey Suttle "1981"
Harold Robinson '1986'
Heather Redden "1996"
Herbert May "1970"
Irma Hamrick "1979"
Jackie Hoover "1976"
James & Pam Edens "1974"
Janet Bell "1983"
Janie Mundy Hall "1969"
Jennie Lilly Gwinn "1971"
Jennifer Chastain "1992"
Jennifer McCoy "1995"
Jeremy Wilfong "2002"
Jimmy Walkup "1972"
Jo Lynn Bennett "1973"
Joann Boone Clements "1982"
Joe Brown "1979"
John W Ferrell "1974"
Joseph Nelson "1970"
Joyce Lookabill Biearman "1974"
Joyce Matheney "1974"
Judy Fugate Leo "1970"
Judy Walton Koehler "1979"
Julie McClung Cooper "1989
Julian Bennett "1981"
Karen Boggs Ketterman "1971"
Karen Huffman Taylor "1980"
Karla Holliday Pauley "1989"
Kathy King Adkins Gibson "1975"
Kay Franklin Wilfong "1973"
Kermit & Linda Shaffer "1971"
Kermit Walker "1972"
Kimberly Carr Enochs "1983"
Kimberly Ware Keaveney "1983"
Latasha Brown "2008"
Leah O'dell "1972"
Linda Jones Hanna "1970"
Linda Kirk Simms "1969"
Linda Osborne "1977"
Lora Richmond Boone "2000"
Margaret Sandord Parker "1984"
Marilyn Barker Redden "1973"
Marilyn Holliday Raymont "1969"
Mark A Adkins "1976"
Mark Allan Holliday "1971"
Martha E McClung "Staff"
Martha Hanson "1972"
Martha Smith Suttle "1977"
Marty Isaacs Goldsborough "1988"
Marvin & Diana Mace Sears "1972"
Mary (Forren) Juarez "1975"
Marr Cooper "1992
Mary Jean Thomas "1970"
Melissa Martin "1991"
Michael and Diana Kessler "1971"
Michael H Bennett "1971"
Michael Martin "1989"
Mike Johnson "1969"
Molly Snuffer "1980"
Mona Forren Goodson "1981"
Nancy 'George' Richmond "1972"
Nancy Reed Martin "1978"
Nancy W Isaacs "Staff"
Nichole Salyer "1996"
Pamela (Piercy) Flack "1983"
Patricia Forbes Walkup "1976"
Paula Sanford Edwards "1975"
Peggy Minear "1978"
R Michele Bonbright '1986'
Randy Auvil "Staff"
Randy Taylor "1972"
Rachel Mundy Clark "1970"
Rhonda Woolridge "1981"
Rick Allen "1986"
Rick O'dell "1972"
Rita VanBuren "Faculty"
Robert "Bobby" Withrow "1976"
Ronnie E George Jr. "1977"
Sandra Dixon "1978"
Sandra Sanford Riddle "1974"
Sarah Cook "2005"
Sharon Taylor "1970"
Sharon Taylor Ayers "1970"
Shawna McCoy Amick "1990"
Shelia O'dell Talbott "1973"
Sherri Guilliams Turner "1985"
Sherry Estep Hasson "1983"
SL Sweet
Stephanie D'Antoni '1986'
Susan Starcher "1988"
Susanna Reliford "1987"
Tammy Church '1986'
Tammy Knottingham Knapp "1982"
Tammy Martin "1985"
Tammy Reliford Blackburn "1983"
Tebbi Tignor Kirby "1983"
Teresa Robinson Richmond "1984"
Timothy Boone "1983"
Tina Altizer '1986'
Tina Foley Hellems "1979"
Tina Franklin Coughlin "1976"
Tina Shortridge Bowles "1978"
Todd Adkins "1979"
Todd Ellison "1981"
Tonetta Trout "1992"
Tony & Bonnie Wright "1982"
Tonya Hendrix Lively "1990"
Twylia Dorsey Suttle "1981"
Wayne Talbott "1973"
William Gibson "1993"
Windia Mitchell "1972"